Per Diem Rates
Allowance Rates
Standardized Regulations (DSSR)
General Information
Quarterly Report Indexes
Office of Allowances

Office of Allowances

  Ref: Section 920 Standardized Regulations (GC,fa)


Effective January 10, 2016, unless otherwise noted, allowances and/or post differential rates are revised as shown.  These changes are issued under TL:SR-881. 


Please inform local offices of all U.S. government agencies at the posts listed in this cable.


Important: Read this entire message, as posts may be listed more than once.  Changes are listed by allowance or differential rather than by post.


Taiwan has been included, when applicable, under arrangement with the American Institute in Taiwan.


The Post (Hardship) Differential changes for Guinea, Marshall Islands and Zimbabwe are based on Post (Hardship) Differential Questionnaires submitted by Conakry, Majuro and Harare.  


The Living Quarters Allowance (LQA) changes are based on currency exchange rate information reported to the Office of Allowances as of the first Thursday of Pay Period 26 (December 31, 2015).


The Post Allowance (COLA) change for Lithuania is based on a survey submitted by Vilnius.  All other cola changes are based on currency exchange rate information reported to the Office of Allowances as of the first Thursday of Pay Period 26 (December 31, 2015).       


Effective January 10, 2016 with TL:SR-881, the Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR) are amended to include a new set of six Post Allowance Payment Tables at DSSR 229.  These tables are derived from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2014, released last September.  The tables previously in use were adopted January 26, 2014.


Effective January 10, 2016 with TL:SR-881, the generic Living Quarters Allowance rates under Footnote d in Section 920 have been revised to reflect the following rates:


                 FROM                 TO

             2    3    4        2     3     4

  WF     17700 16100 14500   17900 16300 14700

 WOF     16900 14500 12900   17100 14700 13000


The reporting requirement for submission of the Retail Price Schedule survey for Vilnius is amended effective January 10, 2016, with TL:SR-881 as follows:   


                           FROM             TO


  Vilnius                Jan/Odd         Jan/Even


                                 POST DIFFERENTIAL

                              FROM                TO


 CONAKRY                        35                30

 OTHER                          35                30



 MAJURO                         20                25



 HARARE                         25                20

 OTHER                          25                20


                                 POST ALLOWANCE

                              FROM                TO


 HALIFAX                        10                 5

 TORONTO                        20                15



 OTHER                          30                25

 SAN JOSE                       30                25



 BUDAPEST                        5                10

 OTHER                           5                10

 PAPA                            5                10



 OTHER                          10                 0

 VILNIUS                        10                 0



 BELFAST                        60                50

 BRACKNELL                      70                60

 BROOKWOOD                      60                50

 CAMBRIDGE                      60                50

 CAVERSHAM                      70                60

 EDINBURGH                      70                60

 FARNBOROUGH                    60                50

 FT. HALSTEAD                   70                60

 HIGH WYCOMBE                   70                60

 HUNTINGDON                     50                42

 LIVERPOOL                      42                35

 LONDON                         70                60

 LOUDWATER                      70                60

 READING                        70                60

 ROCHESTER                      70                60

 SOUTHAMPTON                    50                42


                        LIVING QUARTERS ALLOWANCE

                         FROM                 TO

                    2     3     4        2     3     4



 ADELAIDE      WF 24100 24100 22900    24400 24400 23200

              WOF 24100 22900 19900    24400 23200 20200


 BENDIGO       WF 18900 17800 15000    19200 18100 15200

              WOF 17800 15000 12900    18100 15200 13000


 BRISBANE      WF 23800 21400 19300    24100 21700 19600

              WOF 22500 19300 17200    22800 19600 17400


 CANBERRA      WF 20900 19000 17300    21200 19300 17500

              WOF 19900 17300 15500    20200 17500 15700



               WF 20500 19800 16200    20800 20100 16400

              WOF 19800 16200 13100    20100 16400 13300


  GOLD COAST   WF 23800 21400 19300    24100 21700 19600

              WOF 22500 19300 17200    22800 19600 17400


 MELBOURNE     WF 30500 27700 26300    30900 28100 26700

              WOF 29100 26300 24600    29500 26700 25000


  OAKEY        WF 23800 21400 19300    24100 21700 19600

              WOF 22500 19300 17200    22800 19600 17400


 OTHER         WF 18900 17800 15000    19200 18100 15200

              WOF 17800 15000 12900    18100 15200 13000


 PERTH         WF 32600 30900 27800    33100 31400 28300

              WOF 30900 27800 24800    31400 28300 25100


 RICHMOND, NSW WF 19300 17600 15700    19500 17900 16000

              WOF 18500 15700 14100    18800 16000 14300


 SYDNEY        WF 61400 59300 46300    62300 60200 47000

              WOF 59300 46300 46300    60200 47000 47000


 TOOWOOMBA     WF 23800 21400 19300    24100 21700 19600

              WOF 22500 19300 17200    22800 19600 17400



 CALGARY       WF 36800 32600 27400    36000 31900 26800

              WOF 32600 27400 26000    31900 26800 25400


 DARTMOUTH     WF 26400 26400 23700    25800 25800 23200

              WOF 26400 23700 21100    25800 23200 20600


 EDMONTON      WF 27300 24800 22300    26700 24300 21800

              WOF 26000 22300 19800    25400 21800 19300


 HALIFAX       WF 26400 26400 23700    25800 25800 23200

              WOF 26400 23700 21100    25800 23200 20600



               WF 23300 23300 21000    22800 22800 20500

              WOF 23300 21000 18900    22800 20500 18500


 MONTREAL      WF 43900 37400 33600    42900 36500 32900

              WOF 39100 33600 29800    38200 32900 29200


 OTTAWA        WF 41300 37700 33700    40400 36900 33000

              WOF 37800 33700 30000    37000 33000 29400


 QUEBEC        WF 33300 30200 27800    32600 29500 27200

              WOF 31500 27800 25300    30800 27200 24800


 TORONTO       WF 41400 41300 35400    40500 40400 34600

              WOF 41300 38200 31200    40400 37400 30500


 VANCOUVER     WF 40200 38900 28400    39300 38100 27700

              WOF 39900 38700 24200    39000 37900 23700


 VICTORIA      WF 26000 26000 18100    25400 25400 17700

              WOF 26000 18100 16500    25400 17700 16100


 WINNIPEG      WF 24600 22400 20200    24100 21900 19800

              WOF 23200 20200 18000    22700 19800 17600



 AMMO DEPOT #9 WF 26900 26900 18400    27100 27100 18500

              WOF 26900 18400 17300    27100 18500 17400


 BUSAN         WF 27800 27800 27400    28000 28000 27500

              WOF 27800 27400 23400    28000 27500 23500


 CAMP CARROLL  WF 29200 29200 24600    29300 29300 24700

              WOF 29200 24600 21800    29300 24700 22000


 CAMP COLBERN  WF 54200 54200 51000    54500 54500 51300

              WOF 54200 51000 48500    54500 51300 48700


 CAMP MARKET   WF 54200 54200 51000    54500 54500 51300

              WOF 54200 51000 48500    54500 51300 48700


 CAMP MERCER   WF 54200 54200 51000    54500 54500 51300

              WOF 54200 51000 48500    54500 51300 48700


 CHANGWON      WF 26900 26900 18400    27100 27100 18500

              WOF 26900 18400 17300    27100 18500 17400


 CHINHAE       WF 28200 28200 25300    28300 28300 25400

              WOF 28200 25300 22400    28300 25400 22600


 CHUNCHON      WF 21800 20900 20400    21900 21000 20500

              WOF 21400 20400 19100    21500 20500 19200


 K-16          WF 54200 54200 51000    54500 54500 51300

              WOF 54200 51000 48500    54500 51300 48700


 KIMHAE        WF 27800 27800 27400    28000 28000 27500

              WOF 27800 27400 23400    28000 27500 23500



               WF 54200 54200 51000    54500 54500 51300

              WOF 54200 51000 48500    54500 51300 48700


 KUNSAN        WF 19500 19500 19500    19600 19600 19600

              WOF 19500 19500 19300    19600 19600 19400


 KWANGJU       WF 23300 23300 15800    23400 23400 15900

              WOF 23300 15800 14800    23400 15900 14900


 MUNSAN        WF 31300 31100 27400    31500 31300 27500

              WOF 31100 28300 24600    31300 28500 24800


 OSAN AB       WF 33800 33800 28400    34000 34000 28600

              WOF 33800 28400 27600    34000 28600 27700


 OTHER         WF 29500 29500 20100    29600 29600 20200

              WOF 29500 20100 18900    29600 20200 19000


 PYONGTAEK     WF 38500 38500 33000    38700 38700 33200

              WOF 38500 33000 30900    38700 33200 31100


 SEOUL         WF 54200 54200 51000    54500 54500 51300

              WOF 54200 51000 48500    54500 51300 48700


 SUWON         WF 54200 54200 51000    54500 54500 51300

              WOF 54200 51000 48500    54500 51300 48700


 TAEGU         WF 31400 31400 29800    31600 31600 29900

              WOF 31400 29800 25600    31600 29900 25700


 UIJONGBU      WF 30200 30200 24000    30400 30400 24100

              WOF 30200 24000 21600    30400 24100 21700


 WAEGWAN       WF 29200 29200 24600    29300 29300 24700

              WOF 29200 24600 21800    29300 24700 22000



 OSLO          WF 34400 32500 30000    34200 32400 29900

              WOF 32500 30000 27600    32400 29900 27400


 OTHER         WF 29300 29000 25700    29100 28900 25600

              WOF 29000 25700 23700    28900 25600 23600


 STAVANGER     WF 29300 29000 25700    29100 28900 25600

              WOF 29000 25700 23700    28900 25600 23600



 CAVITE        WF 35700 33600 31300    36100 34000 31600

              WOF 34700 31300 23900    35100 31600 24200


 MANILA        WF 35700 33600 31300    36100 34000 31600

              WOF 34700 31300 23900    35100 31600 24200


 OTHER         WF 24100 22000 19600    24400 22200 19800

              WOF 22900 19600 17500    23200 19800 17700



 ANKARA        WF 28900 26300 23200    29300 26600 23500

              WOF 27600 24100 21400    28000 24400 21700


 ELMADAG       WF 28900 26300 23200    29300 26600 23500

              WOF 27600 24100 21400    28000 24400 21700


 MANZARALI     WF 28900 26300 23200    29300 26600 23500

              WOF 27600 24100 21400    28000 24400 21700



 BRISTOL       WF 37400 34200 30900    36800 33700 30400

              WOF 36000 34000 27500    35500 33500 27100


 BROOKWOOD     WF 40900 40400 37200    40300 39800 36600

              WOF 40400 37200 33900    39800 36600 33400


 CAMBRIDGE     WF 40700 39400 35900    40100 38800 35300

              WOF 39400 35900 33100    38800 35300 32600


 CHELTENHAM    WF 49600 42600 36900    48800 41900 36300

              WOF 47500 36900 34400    46700 36300 33900


 CHICKSANDS    WF 19400 17500 15600    19100 17300 15400

              WOF 17500 15600 14100    17300 15400 13900


 CROUGHTON     WF 41700 40500 37000    41100 39900 36400

              WOF 40500 37000 32300    39900 36400 31800


 FAIRFORD      WF 40500 40500 35200    39900 39900 34600

              WOF 40500 35200 31500    39900 34600 31000


 FELIXSTOWE    WF 39300 37800 34800    38700 37300 34300

              WOF 37800 34800 32200    37300 34300 31800


 HARROGATE     WF 43900 40200 36400    43300 39600 35800

              WOF 42000 36400 32300    41400 35800 31800


 HUNTINGDON    WF 40900 40400 37200    40300 39800 36600

              WOF 40400 37200 33900    39800 36600 33400


 KEMBLE        WF 40500 40500 35200    39900 39900 34600

              WOF 40500 35200 31500    39900 34600 31000


 LAKENHEATH    WF 52400 46100 42700    51600 45400 42100

              WOF 46100 42700 41000    45400 42100 40400


 LIVERPOOL     WF 36800 36500 32200    36300 36000 31700

              WOF 36500 36500 29000    36000 36000 28600


 LONDON        WF 82000 73500 63000    80800 72400 62100

              WOF 73500 67800 56100    72400 66800 55200


 LOUDWATER     WF 64600 58800 51100    63600 57900 50300

              WOF 61000 58800 45300    60100 57900 44600


 MENWITH HILL  WF 43900 40200 36400    43300 39600 35800

              WOF 42000 36400 32300    41400 35800 31800


 MILDENHALL    WF 52400 46100 42700    51600 45400 42100

              WOF 46100 42700 41000    45400 42100 40400


 NOTTINGHAM    WF 24300 22500 19800    23900 22100 19500

              WOF 23500 19800 17800    23200 19500 17500


 OTHER         WF 40900 40400 37200    40300 39800 36600

              WOF 40400 37200 33900    39800 36600 33400


 OXFORDSHIRE   WF 41200 40100 36500    40500 39500 36000

              WOF 40100 36500 31800    39500 36000 31300


 PLYMOUTH      WF 41200 40100 36500    40500 39500 36000

              WOF 40100 36500 31800    39500 36000 31300


 PORTSMOUTH    WF 41200 40100 36500    40500 39500 36000

              WOF 40100 36500 31800    39500 36000 31300


 ROCHESTER     WF 42300 38300 34400    41600 37800 33900

              WOF 40100 34400 30400    39500 33900 29900


 SAMLESBURY    WF 40900 40400 37200    40300 39800 36600

              WOF 40400 37200 33900    39800 36600 33400


 WATERBEACH    WF 42100 37000 36100    41400 36500 35500

              WOF 38900 36100 30700    38300 35500 30300


 WEST BYFLEET  WF 19300 19000 16400    19100 18700 16200

              WOF 19000 17000 15000    18700 16800 14800


 WILTSHIRE     WF 39100 38800 34000    38500 38200 33500

              WOF 38800 38800 30900    38200 38200 30400


  Minimize considered.